Learning how to read the music notes is one of the least favourite subjects in music education, since many people consider it as boring or dull. Children find this area especially difficult. This little and simple game is aimed at teaching kids (and grownups) how to identify the different music notes on the score. The game allows you to determine the number of notes you want to learn; thus, you can study from two to a maximum of 17 notes at the same time. First, you need to set which notes you want to learn. To start the game, you should press the space bar on your keyboard. Then, a note will sound and you will need to match the sound with the right note on the score. if your answer is right, a cartoon will appear onscreen, and you need to click on it to get extra points. The cartoon is moving, so you need to be quick with your mouse. If your answer is wrong, then an ugly duck will appear. To get rid of it, you need to try again and hit the correct note.
The game's interface is customizable, so you can choose the background color and whether to show or hide the cartoon characters. The trial version only allows you to learn up to five notes. If you want to take advantage of all the program's features, you will need to purchase the full version, which comes with other two music learning programs.